Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Time for Musings

Clearly the end of one year and the beginning of another year is a time for random musings for me.  I seem to come round to this spot but once a year with a desire to do this "blog" thing on a regular basis.  Of course, I have another blog on my Stampin' Up! website that I've kept up with a little more this year.  There's a link on the right-hand side of of this page.  I really believe the crux of the problem is two-fold.  One, is I take on too many things in my life and two, I need better instruction/training on developing and maintaining my blog.  There are always so many excellent examples out there, but the "how to" eludes me.  So, that being said, my New Year's Resolution for 2011 is to learn how to create and maintain the kind of blog that makes me happy.  Wish me success!