Monday, April 21, 2008

Blessings Abound

Seems like I lost my "blogger's edge" or perhaps it's "blogger's block", but it has been almost two months since I put finger to keyboard (used to be pen to paper--welcome to the 21st Century!).

I just read a friend's new blog and I was blessed. She is a beautiful writer. She is real and honest and thought-provoking. She is striving to live for Christ and run her race. She encourages each of us to run our own race. Every time I read something she has written, it touches my heart. I don't know if her blog is open or not, but check her out at

More blessings abound

Yesterday, my daughter's oldest and closest friend turned 35. I was blessed to go to dinner and a musical with her, her mom, my two daughters and a third "friend" of the girls that is very close, too. We had a wonderful time, laughing and crying and sharing. These young women I've watched grow since they were girls. They have children ranging in age from 2 to almost 17. I've been down their paths and I feel for them. They are all doing a wonderful job with their families and careers. This is just the tip of the iceberg of blessings, and yet, Stefanie, the birthday girl, sent a late night email thanking US for sharing with her. My heart strings were pulled yet again.

I got to spend all of Saturday and half of Sunday with my very close friend. Evelyn, "playing" with all of our paper and ink and goodies. We were supposed to be at a retreat this weekend, but it didn't happen. So, we decided that we would play anyway. We stayed up until 4 a.m. , slept for about five hours and hit the table running. We had such good fun, that if I hadn't had the wonderful dinner and theater plans, I could have kept going. So, what's a girl to do? Well, I went back this morning to play some more! But then I needed to leave to watch one of my grandsons.

My oldest and closet friend, is Jan I. She had surgery last year on her eyes, so now I call her Jan "Eyes"--an inside joke. She is such a blessing to me. We can be together everyday or maybe weeks will go by, but I always know that she will be here for me, no matter the need. She is my sounding board, my shoulder, my bestest cheerleader...I can't even think about her not being in my life. We don't just finish each other's sentences; we finish each other's thoughts! How many people do you have in your life that you have called "friend" for 5/6ths of your life? Now that can be a very short time, if you are young. If you a 'not so young', as in my case, we are talking about 48 YEARS! You can't tell me that isn't a blessing.

Of course, my dear husband figures into my blessings equation. He is a good, kind, gentle, understanding, loving, hard working and generous man. I could go on, but there isn't enough time.

Speaking of time, I am running out of it for now. But I'm not running out of blessings. God has been so good to me. I could go on and on, but I won't. Just remember, and never forget, to count your blessings--name them one by one. They come in all shapes and sizes and all the time.